“Are you living in fear or by faith in God?” Will Graham asked more than 250 participants this past weekend at the Billy Graham Training Centre at The Cove.
His three-day seminar was titled, “The Ups and Downs of Life: Learning From David’s Example,” and it focused on King David’s life from 2 Samuel 9–-12.
“Mephibosheth was lame in both legs,” Graham said, pointing to 2 Samuel 9:13. “And we are crippled by sin.”
He paused and continued, “As David wanted to show kindness to this young man, can you see God’s kindness toward you?”
Many in the crowd could relate.
“I’m no stranger to living in fear and how crippling it can be,” said one seminar participant. “The message Will Graham shared showed me to not fear, but to forgive, love, and pray for those who hurt you.”
One first-time guest, a woman in her 20s, appreciated the direct life application: “I loved the emphasis on forsaking fear and the reminder to choose courage and stay close to the Lord—very applicable lessons from David.”
For 13 years and counting, Graham has helped Cove attendees examine the life of David and apply lessons drawn from Scripture. His passion for studying Biblical history was sparked during his formative college years as he learned to see that all of the Old Testament points to Jesus Christ—our eternal Shepherd King.
“When you come to the Bible and allow God to speak to you,” Will Graham said, “it can change you.”
Martha, 62, was drawn to Will Graham’s expository style of preaching. It’s the main reason she has attended all of Will Graham’s King David seminars at The Cove.
“Will makes the Bible come alive and helps us relate the Scripture to our lives today,” Martha said. “That’s why I keep coming back. Will teaches us to think as we read the Bible, verse by verse.”
Julie appreciates how his seminars have changed the way she studies the Scriptures.
“Will’s teaching opens the Old Testament in a way that applies to my life and connects to the New Testament,” she said. “He presents the Bible in a way I can understand. I don’t get caught up in the history but I have learned how to read the Bible by attending his seminars.”
For Graham, a former pastor, it’s a blessing to see people impacted and their personal walk with the Lord deepened.
“It’s a great privilege to open up God’s Word,” said Graham. “I want people to learn and open their hearts to God.”