Returning to the Roots of Billy Graham’s Preaching Ministry

Will Graham preaches in Palatka, Florida, at the church where his grandfather was ordained in 1939.

It was January 14, 1939. 

Amid the thick southern live oaks and hanging Spanish moss of northern Florida, a tall, lanky 20-year-old ascended the steps of Peniel Baptist Church in the small town of Palatka, Florida.

There, a handful of rural Southern Baptist pastors began peppering the young man one theological question after the other.

When it was all done, the pastors—led by Cecil Underwood, pastor of Peniel Baptist—agreed to ordain the young Billy Graham into ministry during a service that evening.

“I knelt on the little platform in front of a small congregation and was encircled by a half-dozen country preachers,” Graham later wrote in his autobiography Just As I Am. “I felt the light touch of their outstretched fingers and calloused hands on my blond head and bony shoulders as they prayed me into their distinguished fellowship.”

Heritage Day at Peniel

This moment, which played a part in Billy Graham’s global ministry that spanned eight decades, was commemorated this weekend as Peniel Baptist Church held a special Heritage Day Celebration. The catalyst of the event: a new sign from the Florida Department of State recognizing the old chapel where Graham was ordained as an official Heritage Site.

The event featured food, music, church members in period dress from years gone by, and greetings from both Roy and Will Graham, grandsons of Billy Graham.

Will shared a 25-minute message that would have made his grandfather proud, boldly and forcefully proclaiming the cross of Christ, while calling those listening to repentance and salvation. At the invitation, several responded to surrender their lives into the hands of Jesus.

A Heritage of Evangelism

It’s entirely appropriate that the roots of perhaps the most recognized evangelist of the last 100 years were formed at Peniel Baptist.

After Saturday’s celebration, past and current leaders of the church contemplated the thread of evangelism that is woven throughout the fabric of their historic church. Founded in July 1852, Peniel Baptist pre-dates the city, which was incorporated seven months later.

Pastor Benny Reynolds, who retired a couple of years ago after two decades of shepherding Peniel, shared, “I found a church that was ready to do evangelism,” he said, noting the congregation’s Faith Riders ministry to the biking community in nearby Daytona and Sturgis. “The whole 20 years I was here, we were doing outreach, evangelism training, and trying to be a witness to the community.”

Pastor Bob Bogart carries the title of interim pastor now, but—having been at the church for two years—he carries a history and authority that is more than temporary. He shared his deep appreciation for the legacy of Billy Graham in the community, while also keeping a focus on today’s mission field.

“I think as we have seen today, there’s a strong connection. … This church has a heart for evangelism,” said Pastor Bogart. “The legacy from this marker right here that draws people’s eyes and attention to that little chapel, I hope it does much more than that. I hope that it draws them and points them to the Saviour.”

Key Moments in Northeast Florida

If you’ve never heard of Palatka, Florida, you’re not alone. In many ways, the small community still stands as a testament to “Old Florida,” with newer buildings juxtaposed against historic rural landmarks.

A beautiful downtown feels like a throwback to years gone by. If you were just traveling through this quaint town, you would likely never know the many other formative moments in the ministry of Billy Graham that took place in the area:

Bostwick Baptist Church (1937): At only 18 years old, Billy Graham—a student at Florida Bible Institute in Temple Terrace, Florida (near Tampa)—was invited to accompany Dr. John Minder, the school’s dean of men, to a conference in Lake Swan, Florida. 

While there, Pastor Underwood and Dr. Minder scheduled young Billy Graham to preach at Bostwick Baptist Church, on the outskirts of Palatka. It would be Graham’s first official public sermon—and he was nervous. 

Billy Graham later wrote, “I launched into sermon number one. It seemed to be over almost as soon as I got started, so I added number two. And number three. And eventually number four. Then I sat down. Eight minutes—that’s all it took to preach all four of my sermons!” 

A Florida historical marker now sits on the grounds of Bostwick Baptist Church, commemorating that moment. 

WFOY Radio: Many people know about the formative role that radio played in the founding of Mr. Graham’s ministry and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. However, it’s not as widely known that Graham’s voice was first carried across the airwaves on WFOY Radio, a station still in existence today.

“Cecil Underwood arranged for me to preach for a week of evenings at East Palatka Baptist Church,” he wrote. “And not only in the church but also over radio station WFOY in nearby St. Augustine, live every morning. By now I had prepared and practiced about 15 sermons—full-length ones—and I was ready to go!”

Silver Lake (1938): Billy Graham was baptized by Cecil Underwood in Silver Lake, just down the road from Peniel Baptist Church. It was actually his third baptism, as Graham wrote in his autobiography. He had first been baptized as an infant, and then privately as a young man after placing his faith in Christ.

Finally, in late 1938, he waded into the murky water “with people from the church on the shore to witness the ordination.”

Welaka Baptist Church (1939): In the summer of 1939, Billy Graham held a two-week evangelistic series at Welaka Baptist Church, along St. John’s River just south of Palatka. 

“Again, the Lord was generous in drawing nightly crowds, and several people responded to the appeal to receive Christ. In the process, I was developing the basics of my own preaching style and my approach to giving the invitation to come to Christ.”

Palatka Mural (2003): In 2003, a massive mural of Billy Graham was unveiled on the side of a building at the corner of South Fourth Street and St. Johns Avenue in Palatka. The painting—titled “To God Be The Glory”—commemorated Graham’s connection to Putnam County. It includes images of Graham preaching and being baptized, in addition to the old Peniel Baptist Church.